Tuesday, October 12, 2010

IT Skills

I was all motivated to get my children to share their learning during word study today (which is part of my goal- to improve my students surface features in writing).

And after U Learn I can't wait to get started...however it was not that simple. My students have no idea how to use anything independently other than Photo Booth! I realised I haven't taught the skills of using the programmes! My children aren't "digital natives" who just "pick" things up. I feel I need to take a big step back and teach the basics. It makes me wonder what have I been doing this year? I guess I have spent a lot of time using online interactive sites and not enough synthesising.

I now have a computer ratio of 1:4 :) which will make teaching these skills easier. I will teach the class & get them to present their mini research on their chosen entrepreneur using Keynote.

Once they have grasped that, I will touch on iMovie, Comic Life and Garage band.

What a busy term and it is only day 2!

1 comment:

  1. That is a great Idea Brenda!

    I completely agree about the kids not being digital natives. It takes support, effort, practise, and purpose for them to learn digital literacy just like english literacy.

    The authentic context of the keynote presentations is an excellent idea. I remember when we used to create powerpoint presentations about me (year after year) because we were teaching ICT skills.

    I have focused on garageband this year and because, like so many operating systems, the different software have parallels in Mac (share, media, inspector, etc.)

    I think what really will make them digital natives will be their ability to synthesise information once they have been taught it, rather than pick it up through immersion.

    Listen to me I'm contradicting myself now but I think you get my gist. Youve got some great thinking going on here mate.
